
PKM services


Tax planning is one of the most important aspects of our services. Good tax planning methods will assist in tax saving which will further assist in having a better life style.

For individuals, contributions to Superannuation Funds and understanding the impact on tax is and integral part of tax planning.

We have a very focused approach on tax planning with a view to plan for the short, medium and long term.

Tax Planning requires us to understand the immediate and future needs of the individual and requirements of the business. It needs to consider the age and aspirations of the individual, needs to consider the goals to be achieved by the business and many more.

In many cases Tax Planning is a “timing issue” i.e, should you act before or after
30 June.


Superannuation is a very important issue with respect to wealth management.
Your age will decide the importance you place to this matter.

Recent Governments have placed a lot of emphasis on retirement and self sufficiency by the individual. The legislation and compliance issues are complicated and need to be understood by the Trustees.

Once you have decided that you would like to manage your Superannuation Fund, we can organise a Trust Deed for you. We also provide a comprehensive service in all aspects of tax related Superannuation matters.


We prepare Business Plans to assist in understanding the financial viability of businesses. Business plans can be prepared to meet requirements of Banks or Department of Immigration and Citizenship.


It is very important to setup the correct structure to operate the business from the very beginning. The business may be best operated under an Individual, Partnership, Company or Trust entity. Each circumstance has to me considered on its merits to decide which is the best structure.


We have experience in managing Accounts Departments located at the business site. We can assist in interviewing potential staff, training of staff and all aspects of ongoing staff management.

We can assist in the development of the business by attending Board Meetings and
preparing budgets and other related reports.